Sunday, February 26, 2012

Australia goes green

One thing I've noticed repeatedly since arriving in Melbourne is that Australia is leagues ahead of the US in terms of being environmentally responsible.  I'm not sure exactly why, but being green seems to be much more ingrained in the culture here, and the government--at least in Melbourne--makes a significant effort in this area.  Most of you know this is hugely important to me and my family, and it just makes me love Australia even more.  A lot of things we consider almost revolutionary back home are routine here.  For instance:

  • Recycling -- there are public recycling bins everywhere in Melbourne.  And people use them.  What a concept!
  • Alternative energy -- from my 6th floor window, I can see more than one building with a PV array. A lot of people are also heating their water with solar-thermal, just like they do in Israel.  I can also see two vertical-axis wind turbines from my window (reminds me of MAE 321... not in a good way).
  • Sustainability -- MSC and FSC are labeled on a lot of things (my paper towels, for instance).  A ton of the food here is produced domestically in Australia.  At the supermarket I shop at, you have to bring your own bags or pay for them.  Queen's College (from Melbourne Welcome) and the YMCA camp this weekend both compost.
  • Smaller cars -- on average, people drive smaller cars here.  Of course, its an added incentive that gasoline is $1.50 per liter (that translates to around $6 per gallon).
It shouldn't be impressive that Australians are so green, because it should be an everyday thing, but I think it's very commendable.  We should strive to be more like Australia in this regard back in the US.

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